Honey Bees create the storage cells for their honey out of beeswax. When the excess honey the bees create is harvested by the beekeeper, the beeswax honeycombs are left behind. This natural wax is not only an amazing improvement on similar man made products, it also contains residue honey, pollen and propolis which have beneficial properties. Because this beeswax is also non-comedogenic (meaning it does not block or clog your pores) it is most often used in beauty or medicinal creams or salves. Beeswax creates a natural protective barrier on the skin surface but still allows the skin to breath. Once applied to skin it prevents moisture loss and supports healing and assists to prevent scarring

The benefits of Beeswax are most prominent when compared to common modern synthetic, mineral oil-based waxes and other products used as a base for beauty creams and medicinal products such as petroleum jelly.

You may wonder what the actual differences are? 

The first major difference is where petroleum jelly originates from – it’s a byproduct of oil production, originally found at the bottom of oil rigs circa 1800 and then ‘turned’ into a viable product. But because of its origin it is not only unsustainable but more importantly, some of the components that need to be removed from petroleum jelly in a refining process before it can be used are carcinogenic.

The second major difference is that, when petroleum jelly is applied to the skin it creates a water repellent barrier that clogs and blocks pores and also traps in dirt. It keeps the moisture in the skiing, but doesn’t actually have any moisturising properties. 

That’s why many of the better skin care products use beeswax, as it provides protection against irritants but still allows the skin to breathe. In addition, it contains traces of beneficial compounds such as honey and propolis and it also offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral benefits, making it helpful in treating skin problems. Research has shown that it acts as a better barrier than mineral products such as petroleum jelly.  

This is a natural trait of honey and beeswax that has developed to keep the bees’ food stores safe from contamination and bacteria. In fact, honey is considered the only food that does not spoil on its own.