Raw Honey vs ‘natural’ processed or pasteurized Honey

Raw honey has been harvested and used as a tonic and medicine for at least 8,000 years. Honey comprises roughly 200 substances including amino acids, flavonoids, minerals, and enzymes, all of which make it an incredible nutritious food. But is there a difference between the cheaper off the shelf honeys and Raw Honey straight from the comb? Is off the …

Why is Beeswax so Incredible?

Honey Bees create the storage cells for their honey out of beeswax. When the excess honey the bees create is harvested by the beekeeper, the beeswax honeycombs are left behind. This natural wax is not only an amazing improvement on similar man made products, it also contains residue honey, pollen and propolis which have beneficial properties. Because this beeswax is …

Honey Bee Propolis and its amazing benefits

Propolis (bee glue) has been known for centuries. The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians were aware of the healing properties of propolis and made extensive use of it as a medicine. Propolis, or bee glue, is a natural wax-like resinous substance found in bee hives where it is used by honeybees as cement and to seal cracks or open spaces. …

Honey better treatment for coughs and colds than antibiotics?

Studies in the UK have shown that Bee products may be better for Upper respiratory tract infections than over the counter medicines Amongst other findings, “Data analysis of the studies indicated that honey was more effective than usual care for improving symptoms, especially the frequency and severity of coughing. Two of the studies showed that symptoms lasted one to two …